Produk Baru

Aneka Produk Baru

Produk Puratos
Cake Decorating
Creamfill :
Spet Aneka Bentuk (Trans)
Rasa Vanila
Spet Aneka Bentuk (Lokal)
Rasa Durian
Buku Cake Decorating
Rasa Pisang
-          Floral Cake 1
Rasa Coklat
-          Floral Cake 2
Rasa Capucino
-          Chocolate Cake
Rasa Kopi
-          Cartoon Cake
Rasa Mangga
-          Fruit Cake
Rasa Talas
-          Fondant Icing
Rasa Srikaya
Carve Set (Kecil, 8 bj)
Rasa Caramel
Carve Set (Besar, 8 bj)
Rasa Strawberry
Rasa Kelapa
Rolling Cutter Flower

Acrylic Rolling Pin
Cold Fill :
Plastic Rolling w/ Flower
Fondant Art Mat (2 Versi)
Fluted Cutter (Bunga 1, 4 bj)
Fluted Cutter (Bunga 2, 4 bj)

Fluted Cutter (Daun, 3 bj)
Hot Fill :
Air Brush & Air Compressor (K)
Air Brush & Air Compressor (B)
Cetakan Huruf & Angka
Pewarna (Oil Base)
Cetakan Coklat Lokal

Cetakan Coklat Import
Ragi :
Cetakan Kue Kring :
Angel Brown Sachet
 - Hello Kitty
(PROMO : Tiap pembelian 5 dus 
 - Doraemon
Angel Sachet akan mendapat 1
 - Pooh
hadiah cantik)
Lilin Angka Merah Putih
Angel White 500 gr

Angel Brown 500 gr

Angel Blue 500 gr

Margarine + Mentega :

LBR Type M (Enak banget)

About the author

Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.

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